March 1,2013
My web site had fallen into disrepair, my social networks had gone quiet, it was almost as if I had withdrawn from the world, or slipped into a deep depression. Nope! Just too frippin’ busy working and having one hell of a time with this damned web site!
From 2007 to 2010, this web site was updated rather regularly, and I was having a good time with it. Then in early in 2011, I decided that what I needed to do was “totally redo” the web site. Bad idea. Long story short (long story available here) that did not go well, and I ended up totally stuck with a half finished new web site that wasn’t going anywhere, and an aging old web site that was, well, aging.
I didn’t want to post any new content to the old web site, and couldn’t get my old stuff into the new web site. Any time I even considered Facebook or Twitter, I thought “I really ought to fix my own site first.” And so began the downward spiral and lengthy dark period which historians now call The Long Hiatus.
But I finally figured out how to just shove the two web sites together and get on with it. So there are a few pages that go abruptly into the old web site. Oh well. (You’ll have to make use of your browser’s “Back” button.) So now I can finally get back to posting some new content!
I do know that there are people waiting for “A Layman’s Guide To Artificial Intelligence, Part Two” (hard to believe, I know, but actually true) and during The Long Hiatus, the astronomy magazine AdAstra published one of my renderings of the Island One Space Colony so, I’ve made some new CGI animation of that, that will be going on YouTube soon. I’ve posted a couple of new renderings here. And a Polish astronomy magazine asked to publish some of my art, but with the magazine and web site both in Polish, I can’t seem to find it if they did.
So the new web site is finished, new content is being posted, and I can cross my third New Year’s resolution off the list.