October 19, 2013: N ew Website, New Products, New Blog! Hi, for those of you who don’t know, I’m Chief Developer at Rocketship 3D. But that is not to say that I *am* Rocketship 3D, there are several of us; tech support personnel, office management people, network admins, database engineers, and even specialists who work for us from the exotic lands of the Orient (which is to say I know a few really good coders in China). But my role as Chief Developer means I’m the guy responsible for PzDB, The Universal Sizing Apparatus, and the many other tools we’ll be trotting out in the months and years ahead at Rocketship3D.com
So with those new products, and the new website, I decided to start a new blog that I’ll be cross-posting from my personal website, BenMargolis.com. My goal is keep all of you up to date on the latest developments about PzDB and everything we’re doing at Rocketship 3D. I hope to keep it updated about once a week. (ok, maybe once every other week ... would you believe every third Wednesday?)
So, what are we doing this week? Well, the PzDB 1.3 Beta test is well underway, and while work continues on the Universal Sizing Apparatus, we’ve paused to see if we can solve compatibility issues with DAZ Studio. We really thought a simple CR2 character would work in any program. But now that DAZ refers to them as “legacy parametric characters” it seems we’re going to have special .DUF Apparatuses. (If you have experience converting .CR2 characters to .DUF characters we’d really like to hear from you.)
That’s all for this week... now get back to work.